The Council of NCCP is responsible for the month-to-month administration of the Presbytery, where the Chairs of our committees, our Stated Clerk and Interim Executive Presbyter, and several members serving in at large positions work together to provide the support and help our congregations need to continue the important Kingdom building work they are engaged in week in and week out. The Council’s efforts center around ensuring the ongoing work of the Presbytery and our committees carry forward the vision and values adopted at the inception of our new Presbytery. The Council members strive to work collaboratively across all committees for fair and full representation, cohesive implantation of all work across all committees, and to maintain safe and open communication.
Much of the work of the Council is centered around the work that is then shared or passed on to the Presbytery at the stated quarterly Presbytery meetings. We gather to not only perform administrative duties, but also to envision where we are called to and how we can equip our Presbytery for that work.
The chair, John Sims, can be reached at