Other Committees

Other Committees:

Personnel Committee:

The Personnel Committee meets regularly in order to: support, encourage and empower our staff; handle the staffing needs of our Presbytery appropriately and in a timely manner;  make sure needed policies, procedures and processes are in place and being followed;  adhere to all state and federal legal requirements. We typically meet monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom.

 The chair, Brian Spangler, can be reached at  

 Personnel Manual

New Ministries Initiatives:

This is a committee that was just recently formed as a response to the sweeping changes taking place in our churches and denomination.  Our Presbytery seeks to be bold in imagining new ways of doing new ministries in this exciting era, and we understand that many of these new ministries involve thinking outside of the box, collaboration, financial investment, and big leaps of faith.  As the people of God and the Presbytery of North Central California, we celebrate that we have been richly blessed with a variety of gifts – creative minds, open hearts, eager spirits, and financial resources.  So, New Ministries Initiatives works to identify, build relationships with, and support a variety of new ministries – some that have their origins within our Presbytery, as well as many that come from outside of our Presbytery and are even of different Christian backgrounds.  Our Presbytery seeks to support this time of faithful experimentation!

Although we are aware that some of our beloved churches are closing, we trust that God is doing a new thing, and new ministry initiatives are being birthed all around us – often with financial gifts made by congregations that coming to an end.  We encourage you to dream big – if God has placed a vision for a new ministry on your heart, take some time to pray about it, share your vision with others, and reach out to our committee to see if there might be a way we can partner together. 

 The chair, Rev. Bob Azzarito, can be reached at    

Nominating Committee:

The overall goals of the Nominating Committee of the Presbytery are: 
- to discern the diverse persons God may be calling to serve in presbytery leadership, 
- to extend holy invitations to serve, 
- to engage the presbytery in helping us fulfill our call, 
- to recognize those who have served. 

The Nominating Committee is guided by the Book of Order (G-3.0111 9.0800).  The Nominating Committee seeks qualified persons to fill the roster of committees and persons in leadership serving as officers of the presbytery, the Vice Moderator, Moderator, and Chair of Council.  The Nominating Committee may be asked to help in filling other needed positions on commissions and task forces.  Members of the Nominating Committee are nominated by the Council for election by the presbytery.

 The Nominating Committee will inform all presbytery members and clerks of session, no later than the September presbytery meeting, of the vacancies that will occur at the end of that year to be filled by elections held at the November presbytery meeting. The nominating committee will strive to present a nominee for each upcoming vacancy at the November presbytery meeting.  Any unfilled vacancies or a vacancy that occurs during the year the nominating committee will inform all presbytery members and clerks of session of the vacancies, and the desire to present nominees to fill the vacancies at the next scheduled presbytery meeting. 

All nominations of qualified candidates, as described by the position description, will be brought for election by the presbytery, providing means to introduce each nominee.  All elections will also provide nominations from the floor of the meeting providing that the nominee has indicated willingness to serve and meets applicable criteria for nomination to the position. During an election, all nominees from the floor to serve on presbytery standing committees, commissions, task forces, and as officers in leadership are required to have completed the Nominating Committee Questionnaire for suitability and qualifications.

The “Equip for Service Form” at: https://forms.gle/oE5kMKoomBfw4nJq5 is to be used by the Nominating Committee as a tool for aligning gifts and passions with a person's service.  This form is made available to all members of the presbytery willing to serve on committees, commissions, task forces, and as officers in leadership.

 When seeking nominees for vacant positions, the nominating committee will also take into consideration the advice of the Committee on Representation (Book of Order G-3.0103 G-9.0105).

Council is seeking a new chair for this committee. In the meantime, you can email the Nominating Committee secretary, Nancy Clegg at    if you have any questions.

Executive Presbyter Search Committee (EPSC):

Co-chairs, Stephen Moon, and Laura Barnes, can be reached at