Mission Support:
The ministry of Mission Support is to build bridges, make connections, and provide leadership to enable the North Central California Presbytery to participate faithfully and effectively together in mission of Christ in the world.
Mission Support meets every third Wednesday of the month 3pm-4:30pm.
The CO- Chairs, Edrine Ddungu, can be reached at and Tiffany Nicely Holleck, can be reached at
To this Mission Support organizes its work to do the following things:
- Establish and maintain connections with international mission partnerships and the world mission program of the Presbyterian Church (USA), to encourage personal involvement, Church-to-Church, and other non-profit organizations involvement in international missional mission needs and opportunities.
- Mission Partnerships
- Presbyterian World Mission
- Africa House Sacramento
- Mission Worker Itineration
- Participate in racial/ethnic ministry in Northern and Central valley California, and the North Central California Presbytery area, to address social/economic justice issues and to respond to the needs and gifts of native and immigrant people.
- Ethnic Concerns Consultation
- Refugee resettlement organization, IRC
- Annual Africa House Fundraising Dinner and Prayer Breakfast
- New Worshipping Communities
- Connect with Pastors and congregational mission Committees to lift up and support mission, peacemaking and hunger-action programs, and to address common needs and concerns affecting our mission together.
- Hunger/Action Enabler
- Cents-ability, Food Pantries
- Health and Older Adult Ministry
- Presbytery Youth Mission Trip
- Peacemaker Iteration
- Involve the Presbytery in ecumenical and interfaith relationships through official participation and financial support.
- North State Ecumenical Council
- Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento
- CA Council of Churches
- CA Church Impact
- Campus Ministry
- Plan, promote, and carry out events of continuing mission education to keep current the awareness of ministries, elders, and congregations in such areas as witness and mission, economic and social justice, and hunger and peacemaking.
- Presbytery Mission Reports
- Special Offering Interpretation
- Mission Speakers and Leaders
- Mission Resources
Mission Support Grant Program Handbook
Special Project Grant Application
Cents-Ability/Hunger Alleviation Grant Application
Grant Application For Mission Trips/ Conferences/ Event Participation - Specific To Funds For 2023